My school-to- work alternation report




1- Where did you go?


2- Describe the place (its history). Which news did you get?


3-What did you do? Which were your tasks?


4-Which was your relationship with your supervisor and your colleagues?


5-Which relationship did you have with the customers?


6-Which languages did you use?


7-Did you speak English? Where? When?


8-What did you say or write?


9- What would you have liked to do but you didn't?


10- Make a comparison between this work-experience and the one you did last year.




Frasi da utilizzare:


1- I did my working experience/ training experience at............... bar/ restaurant/hotel , from ........... to................ , is situated in ............




2- The..........hotel is a 5-star luxury hotel situated in.........../The bar is quite big/ is not very big. There are 10 tables./ The restaurant can sit 60 people but for special occasions capacity can be expanded up to 80.


I worked from ...... to......../ My working hours were from....... to......../ Sometimes I was on the morning shift, from ...... to ....... and sometimes I was on the evening shift, from..... to ......../ Sometimes I had a split shift from... to... and from.... to.....




3-My tasks were/ I was in charge of:


Preparing the buffet for breakfast

Serving tea/coffee/cappuccinoes during breakfast time

Preparing for lunch (folding napkins, preparing plates, candles, making the plan of the reserved tables)

Taking away and cleaning the buffet after breakfast

Changing linens

Serving drinks at the lunchtime.

Serving butter and bread on the tables.

Changing cutlery.

Bringing plates from the kitchen to the waiters.

Refilling salt, pepper, oil, sauces.

Setllllting up tables.

Cleaning thedining area.

Cleaning the kitchen.

Taking orders



4- I had a good relationship/ very good relationship with my supervisor and my colleagues.They were very kind to me and were always helpful to teach me new things./ My relationship with my colleagues and my supervisor wasn't very good because they didn't treat me respectfully.




5- I had a good relationship with the customers. I was very helpful and they were kind to me./ I didn't have a good relationship with customers because some of them were rude.




6/7- I spoke mainly Italian. I didn't have the chance to speak foreign languages because most of the clients were italian./Sometimes I spoke English or French with customers.




8-I took the customers' orders and explained them menus and the day's specials.




9- I'm happy/ satisfied with my working-experience because I learnt a lot. My supervisor gave me a lot of responsibilities and I learnt to find a solution to different kind of problems./ I would have liked to learn more. My supervisor wasn't available when I had questions and my colleagues didn't collaborate with me.




10- The work experience I did this school year was better/worse than the previous ones because I learnt more/less and I had a better/worse relationship with the staff and my supervisor.





 Per sala


Dear Sirs,

I have read your advertisement on the Nottingham Evening Post about a job offer as ……… (barman, barmaid, or bartender)

Being a student at the B. catering school with two years experiences as waitress/ barmaid achieved through student internships and seasonal jobs, I am really interested in the position.

My IT knowledge is average.

My knowledge of English language is proficient. I can easily interact with customers speaking rather fluently, giving advice or suggestions about menus, wine lists, the service and so on. Moreover I have good interpersonal and customer service skills.


I believe I am suitable for this job because I find it challenging and I think I could contribute enthusiasm, dedication, multi-tasking capability, responsibility and good work ethic. I'm a quick learner, resourceful, efficient and a hard- worker, with a good multitasking capability.


Thinking about the future I would like to gain more experience, maybe abroad, in some big city to improve my language and professional skills. One day I would like to manage my own restaurant make it a well known meeting point where people can

relax and taste good coffee / wine ... after a day's work .

I am eager to meet with you to discuss how my qualifications could meet your needs.




Yours Faithfully



Esempio 2  


Dear Sirs


I have read your advertisment on the Internet. I am applyng for the job as barman (or barmaid).

I study at Bergese Catering school to become a qualified bartender.

My name is. I am 17 year old. I live in Genoa, Italy.


I have done two internships as barman at Bar ...... and at Caffè Genoa


I studied English and Spanish at school. My English is basic. My Spanish is basic.

I have good IT knowledge.


I am hard worker and I work well in team.

I am good at making cocktails, coffes, capuccinos and sandwiches.


I love travelling and I play music.

I would like to have a working experience abroad to meet new people, to improve my English and to grow professionally.

I look forward to hearing from you


Yours Faithfully


Dear Sirs


I have read your advertisement on the Nottingham Evening Post about a job offer as sous chef.

My name is.....I am 16 year old. I live in Genoa, Italy.




Being a student at the Bergese catering school with three years experiences as assistant chef achieved through student internships (stage) and seasonal jobs.

I am really interested in the position.

I have done two internships as sous chef at ........ and as commis at Genoa


I have good IT knowledge.


My native language is Italian. I also speak english and Spanish.

My knowledge of English language is good and at school I have learnt the micro language typical of the catering sector.



I can easily interact with customers and speak rather fluently.


Moreover I have good interpersonal and cooking skills.


I believe I am suitable for this job because I find it challenging and I think I could contribute with enthusiasm, dedication, multi-tasking capability, responsibility and good work ethic.


I am coopertive and I have good communication skills. I am great at working as part of a team.


I'm a quick learner, resourceful, efficient and a hard- worker, with a good multitasking capability.


Thinking about the future I would like to gain more experience, maybe abroad, in some big city to improve my language and professional skills.


One day I would like to manage my own restaurant and make it a well known meeting point where people can  relax and taste good food


I am eager to meet with you to discuss how my qualifications could meet your needs.


Yours Faithfully


Esempio 2  


Dear Sirs


I have read your advertisment on the Internet. I am applyng for the job as sous chef.

I study at Bergese Catering school to become a qualified chef.

My name is. I am 17 year old. I live in Genoa, Italy.


I have done two internships as assistant chef at r ...... and at Genoa


I studied English and Spanish at school. My English is basic. My Spanish is basic.

I have good IT knowledge.


I am hard worker and I work well in team.

I am good at making ........


I love travelling and I play music.

I would like to have a working experience abroad to meet new people, to improve my English and to grow professionally.

I look forward to hearing from you



Yours Faithfully








Ho 18 anni, sono italiano e single.

I’m 18 years old, I’m Italian and single.

Ho studiato a Genova dove ho frequentato la scuola alberghiera “Bergese” per tre anni.

I was educated in Genoa where I attended the hospitality and catering school “Bergese” for three years.

I studied at the hospitality […]

Ho frequentato il corso triennale alla scuola alberghiera “Bergese” a Genova.

I attended a three-year course at the hotel and catering school “Bergese” in Genoa.

Negli ultimi 3 anni ho frequentato molte materie sia teoriche che pratiche come ad esempio: alimentazione, sala, cucina.

In the last 3 years I attended several subjects both theorical and practical such as: Nutritional and Food Education science, food and beverage service, cookery course.

Durante il corso triennale alla scuola alberghiera ho studiato sia inglese che spagnolo (o francese) sviluppando una buona capacità di scrittura e comprensione delle due lingue.

During the 3 year-course at the catering school I studied both English and Spanish (or French) developing good skills at writing and understanding the 2 languages.

A scuola ho imparato la microlingua tipica del settore alberghiero.

At school I’ve learnt the micro language typical of the catering sector.

La mia lingua madre è lo spagnolo ma ho anche una buona conoscenza sia dell’inglese che del francese.

My native language in Spanish but I also have a good knowledge of both English and French.

Corso triennale alla scuola alberghiera.

3 year-course at the catering school.

Ho una buona conoscenza dell’inglese livello B2.

I have a good knowledge of the English language B2 level.







Per quanto riguarda le mie precedenti esperienze lavorative…

About my previous working experience…

Precedentemente ho lavorato in qualità di aiuto cuoco.

Previously I worked as a commis chef.

Durante la mia precedente esperienza lavorativa in qualità di commis di cucina ero incaricato della “preparazione dei pesci”.

During my previous working experience as a commis chef I was in charge of the fish preparation.

Ho avuto varie esperienze lavorative in affollati ristoranti

I have got some working experience in busy restaurants

Ho acquisito esperienza nella preparazione di nuovi piatti, prezzatura e ordinazioni.

I gained experience in preparing new dishes, pricing and ordering.

Ho lavorato per 2 mesi come commis chef al ristorante “Mario” a Genova.

I worked for two months as a commis chef at “Mario” restaurant in Genoa.

Ho lavorato con un bravo chef che mi ha insegnato…

I worked with a very good chef who taught me…

Ho qualche precedente esperienza perché ho lavorato come commis chef nelle 3 estati passate al ristorante “Mario”.

I have some previous experience because I worked as a commis chef for the past three summers at the “Mario” restaurant.

I miei precedenti lavori includono 2 stagioni estive al ristorante “Mario” a Genova.

My previous jobs include two summer seasons at “Mario” restaurant in Genoa.

Attualmente sto lavorando come assistente di cucina presso…

Currently I’m working as a kitchen assistant at…

Mi manca esperienza al momento nel campo ristorativo ma imparo presto.

I lack experience in the catering field at the moment but I’m a fast learner.

Ho frequentato uno stage di 2 settimane al pub Mario a Genova dove ho potuto imparare…

I attended a stage for two weeks at the Mario pub in Genoa where I could learn…

Ho avuto alcune precedenti esperienze perché ho lavorato…

I have some previous experience because I worked…

Ho lavorato al ristorante “Pippo” come commis chef dove le mie responsabilità erano:
- pulire gli utensili di cucina e i recipienti e tutte le superfici da lavoro e i lavandini
- tritare e pelare varie verdure
- verificazione quotidiana della data di scadenza dei prodotti deperibili
- assistenza generale nella presentazione dei piatti.

I worked at “Pippo” restaurant as a commis chef where my responsibilities were:

-cleaning cooking utensils and vessels and all the work surfaces and sinks
-chopping and peeling various vegetables
-daily verification of dairy products expiration date
-general assistance in food presentation.

Prendevo ordinazioni e servivo i clienti

I took orders and served customers.

In quasi ogni aspetto del servizio di ristorazione ...

In nearly every aspect of food service...






I’m skilled at working…


I’m able to work…




Sono in grado di lavorare bene anche sotto pressione.

I’m skilled at working well under pressure.

Sono in grado di seguire le istruzioni.

I’m able to follow the instructions.

Adatto fisicamente.

Physically fit.

Ho spirito d’iniziativa, sono puntuale e affidabile.

I’m enterprising, I’m punctual and reliable.

Sono in grado di lavorare bene in squadra.

I am able to work well in team/ I’m a team player.

Tenere pulita e ordinata l’area di cucina.

Keep the kitchen area clean and tidy.

Sono altamente motivato.

I’m highly motivated.

Sono cooperativo e ho buone capacità interpersonali.

I’m cooperative and I have a good interpersonal skills.

Capacità comunicative.

Communication skills.

Non mi importa di lavorare fino a tarda ora.

I don’t mind working late hours.

Sono bravo a lavorare come parte di una squadra.

I’m great at working as part of a team.

I’m good at […]










Se I HOPE è seguito da un verbo, bisogna mettere I WILL.




Per quel che riguarda le mie aspettative spero di poter fare un’esperienza globale nelle attività di cucina.

About my expectations I hope I will gain/get a global experience of the kitchen activity.

Mi piacerebbe in futuro iniziare un’attività nel settore ristorativo.

In the future I’d like to start an activity in the catering sector.

Mi piacerebbe imparare il più possibile in ogni fase delle attività di cucina.

I’d like to learn a lot in every kitchen area.

Mi piacerebbe in futuro aprire un ristorante.

In the future I’d like to set up a restaurant.

Mi piacerebbe imparare il più possibile in ogni fare delle attività di cucina muovendomi da una cucina all’altra.

I’d like to learn a lot in every kitchen area rotating/moving from a kitchen station to another one.

Mi piacerebbe poter fare esperienza con una cucina di spicco.

I’d like to gain experience with a leading catering company.